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Sewing Genie FAQ

Broken Needles. One of the most common asked questions about the sewing genie is "where can I buy more needles?" First of all, I highly recommend taking one the needles you already have (even if it's broken) to your local sewing store...ask them for help.....I'm pretty sure they should be able to find you some replacement needles. I also found that sells a pack of assorted sewing machine needles that are supposed to fit most sewing machines (I haven't tried them yet.... so I don't know if they will work...but my guess is that they would.)

Next, one of the most common complaints is that the needle keeps breaking (or the thread breaks). And for some reason.....I cannot figure out why this happens. But I have some thoughts:

(UPDATE: Click Here for new info on broken needles!)

First.....check the tension of the thread.....if there is too much tension on the will pull on the needle. Try loosening the thread.

Next.....make sure the eye of the needle is facing you....and the flat side of the top of the needle is facing away from you. You should now be looking at the side of the machine with all the knobs on it as you sew.....and as you sew, the fabric should be moving away from you.

And my last suggestion is to re~thread the machine and the bobbin......before you sew anything, use the big blue knob on top to try and manually sew some stitches....don't use the power button or the foot pedal until you are sure it's working. Leave the lower bobbin cover off and watch how it works.....if it seems to resist or catch.....don't force it and try again.

Trust me....I had to do this a few times to get it threaded might have to play with it a little....turn the bobbin upside down....thread it backwards....experiment.

BUT....absoultely don't use the foot pedal or the power button until you can manually sew some good stitches by using the big blue dial knob on top of the machine.

And be sure to take all tension off upper thread before pulling your fabric aware of the needle....if the thread is pulling on the needle....loosen the thread by hand a little more.....don't put any stress on the needle.

If all of the above don't should probably tell the company that you are having a problem with the needle breaking.....they need to know. Otherwise.....if you can give me a super detailed description of how and when your needle breaks....I will try to address it further....but I can't guarantee you anything.

Just be patient.....go slow....think things through....don't force it. Good luck!

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