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Sewing Genie FAQ

The Pillow. remember way back in the way back.....when I first got the Sewing Genie...and I bought fabric....and I was all excited because I was actually going to sew something?! Well, that was like a year ago!....but finally, I've done it. (And I had no idea what I was doing....but it worked!) I made a pillow! (see picture above) Woo hoo!

Yeah....I know...a pillow is like the easiest thing to make....but I don't sew, so to me it seemed like a major project. However, sewing it turned out to be the easy part! (And the funny thing is, that even though I know almost nothing about sewing....I've practically written the manual for how to use the Sewing Genie (see my FAQ page)....just by fumbling along and playing with it. I can actually sew with this thing!)

So anyway, the hardest part was actually stuffing the pillow! Originally, I had wanted to use down feathers because I love down pillows....but as it turns out, that was not an option. I called all sorts of fabric and craft stores trying to find feathers....but all any of them had was foam or polyester filling. Finally, I found a place that had feathers...yay!.....but there was a minimum order of 25 pounds! Do you know how many feathers that is?! You could probably fill your house with 25 pounds of feathers (and the cost was $350!) So in the end, I opted for polyester. But I must say I am very proud of my first attempt at sewing....I love my pillow! And I love the Sewing Genie....since I've never been able to figure out how to use the full size monolith of a sewing machine that I have. (Yes, I know, this is a shameless plug for Sewing Genie.....but it works! And I use it!!) I made a pillow!!

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