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Sewing Genie FAQ

Well, thanks to an email from one of my faithful readers, I now have some new tips and tricks for the Sewing Genie. In the past, several people had written to tell me they had a problem with the needles breaking, but since I've never had that problem with my machine, I couldn't exactly figure out why that was happening....until now! Here is an exerpt from the email that explains how to fix it:

"I bought a Sewing Genie from a lady that had bought it and had never been able to get it to work. She had broken several needles and had given up .

Having read your information earlier, I was very careful when I started trying to get it to work. Either being clever or lucky, I found the problem. There are two screws that hold the thread tension device in the bobbin case. In this unit, these screws were too long and the ends of them were hitting the bobbin. The bobbin would not turn freely in the case and I am sure that caused the problem.

After I filed the ends of the screws to shorten them, the machine works great just as you describe. I have never broken a needle and have repaired shirts where the original sewing was poorly done."

The screws mentioned are in the side of that black plastic lower bobbin case. It looks to me that you could either file them down....or just unscrew them a bit (I'd try unscrewing them a bit and see if that works before you try filing.) This also might solve some of the other related problems like broken thread or uneven stitching. There is even a brief mention of this in the manual on page 5.

So give that a try, it should make your sewing much easier. And thanks again to our thoughtful reader who sent in that email!

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