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Sewing Genie FAQ

Hey there!

Well, I've been threading and re-threading the darned thing, trying to figure out how best to explain it...the threading is actually pretty easy....explaining it is the hard part! But here goes:

Hold the silver bobbin in your right hand and pull the thread out with your left hand.

Make sure the bobbin unwinds in a clockwise direction, with the string rolling off the bottom of the bobbin towards your left hand.

Now look at my "threading" picture.

See how the thread just kind of loops behind that metal thing...

position the thread so that the end of the thread comes out the left notch

and the thread that goes to the bobbin comes out of the deeper right notch.

Now put the silver bobbin into the bobbin case....make sure it still unwinds in a clockwise direction. you're ready to put the threaded bobbin case back into the machine.

This will take a little kind have to slide it in and wobble it around.

Eventually you will kind of snap it into place....but don't force should actually go in pretty easily.

But here's the important part: you must make sure that those white dots line up exactly.

Notice that there is a little notch on the bobbin case, sort of right at the white dot.

Look at my "bobbin position" picture.

See how that notch is positioned....the picture they show in the book is entirely wrong.

The position of that notch is critical....if it's not placed properly, the thing will not work.

Now that you've got that in place, make sure you have a length of thread coming out from the bobbin case.

You can kind of just drape it over the side for now.

Now at this point, I'm assuming you already have threaded the needle.

Make sure the presser foot is raised up.

In your left hand, hold the thread that's been threaded through the needle...hold it out back of the machine.

With your right hand, turn the hand wheel (on top of the machine) clockwise.

Keep a light tension on the thread you are holding (but not too much) as the needle goes down and back up again.

This should bring up a little loop of the bobbin thread.

Then you can open that little loop and you'll now have the bobbin thread coming up through the hole below the needle.

Yay!!!! You are now ready to sew!!

Some last advice: do some test sewing....if the stitches are too loose or too tight, you can simple adjust the tension knob on the side.

Also, after you have sewn get the material out, make sure the needle is up, and the presser foot is up. But before you pull the fabric out, you MUST loosen the top thread by hand.....don't just pull the fabric out...the needle will make sure you have generously loosened that top thread first.

OK??? Did all that make sense?? Did it work???? Let me know how it turns out.....if you need more help, don't be afraid to ask. Take it relaxed....Of course, I always recommend having some sort of cocktail before undertaking anything like this....but that's up to you. Good luck!!!

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